Saturday, 7 March 2015

Why Many Professional Bodybuilders have no Hair? Most of the...
Why Many Professional Bodybuilders have no Hair?
Most of the...

Why Many Professional Bodybuilders have no Hair?

Most of the bodybuilders have no body hair. It is their ethical obligation that they should present their bodies in the best way. Only muscular growth and the size of body mass is not enough to compete and stand first in the bodybuilding competition. The overall look and general appearance also counts a lot. To achieve a neat and clean look, they have to remove their body hairs. 

There are different methods that are commonly used by different bodybuilders and athletes to remove their body hairs. Shaving is perhaps the cheapest and the easiest way to do the job though it has many drawbacks. It may cause irritation and sometimes pain if not handles properly. You may have some cuts too on your body with the razor and you can find difficulty in removing hairs from places like your back and buttocks. For these areas you can take help from others. Even with all the limitations, it is the fastest way of removing hairs.

Depilatories are another easy way of getting rid of these unwanted hairs. They come in form of different creams and sprays which are fast effective and easy to use. These creams have also some limitations. The uppermost drawback that they have is their chemical contents that can be the cause of burning, irritation and inflammation. Even this method is not suitable for long and coarse hairs. It is expansive too when we compare the price of these creams with the price of razors. Otherwise it is good and used by many professional athletes and bodybuilders.

Professional bodybuilders usually use waxing method to have a hair free body. This method has many advantages. It is administered by some professionals, so it is easy to sit in front of them and have a hair free body rather than doing it by you. It can be applied to hard-to—reach areas too. It has good results and comparatively long term effects. Though waxing can also cause rashes and irritability, yet it is considered the best possible hair removing method.

There are some bodybuilders who combine all these three methods and use them for different parts of body. In this way they get maximum advantage of all these method and avoid all the possible risks.

Also many prof BB have hair loss due to powerful oral steroids like Oxymetholone, Methandienone etc. Freqvent use of strong anabolic steroids will give you hair loss, but this only for the mens who have genetic hair loss in blood.

All these methods have to be repeated again and again to keep your body without hair as hair growth is a natural process. They are not the permanent solutions. Some bodybuilders want a permanent option and this is only electrolysis. It is the only true permanent hair removal technique that is recognized and approved by the FDA. In this method, hair growth tissues are destroyed by electric current. Laser epilation also comes under this category which is very popular among cosmetologists in these days. Bodybuilders also use it to have good and permanent results though the authenticity of this method is still under question.

In short, it does not matter what method professional bodybuilders use to keep their body hair free. What matters is their body should have a neat and clean look at the time of competition. There should not be any rash or marks of irritation or patches of split hair on the body.

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